General :
jQuery Shining Image is an HTML5 jQuery plugin that add an animated shining effect to your images.
This plugin use canvas element, and is compatible with all computer and mobiles modern browsers. For the others, the image keeps its default static look.
Very easy to use : $('img').shiningImage()
Many options to customize the effect
The shining image keeps the default style and class. Canvas ID is original img ID + "_canvas" . (ex : '#myImg_canvas') .
The shining image keeps original image click, mouseover, mouseout, mouseup and mousedown events
Compatibility : IE9+ , Firefox 4+ , Google Chrome 11+, Opera 10.6+, Safari 3.2+
Options :
This is the plugin parameters list :
color : String | Sets the effect color
delay : Int | Sets the delay between each shine effect
direction : 'x','y' or 'z' | Sets the effect direction. Horizontal (x), vertical (y) or diagonal (z)
onComplete : Function | | Execute this function after plugin initialisation
onLoopComplete : Function | | Execute this function after each loop
opacity : Int between 0 and 1 | | Sets the effect opacity
playOnLoad : Boolean | | Automatically start effect or not
scale : Int between 0 and 1 | Sets the effect scale. 1 = 30% of image width or height
speed : Int | Sets the effect speed in ms
You can change them after initialisation like this : $('#yourImg').data('shiningImage').settings.color = '#78DAF5';
Methods :
You can interact with the plugin :
- .data('shiningImage').shine() : Start shine effect
- .data('shiningImage').stopshine() : Stop shine effect
Example: $('#yourImg').data('shiningImage').stopshine();
Demos :
Default : |
HTML Code :
‹img id="demo1" src="demoAssets/img/demo1.png" alt="Demo"/›
JS Code :
With Fancybox:
HTML Code :
‹a id="demo2" href="demoAssets/img/demoFancy.jpg"›
‹img src="demoAssets/img/min_demoFancy.jpg" alt="Demo" /›
JS Code :
'overlayShow' : false,
'transitionIn' : 'elastic',
'transitionOut' : 'elastic',
onComplete: function()
opacity: 0.2
onCleanup: function()
Custom options, mouseOver and mouseOut events : |
HTML Code :
‹img id="demo3" src="demoAssets/img/demo3.png" alt="Demo"
onmouseout="$('#demo3').data('shiningImage').stopshine();" /›
JS Code :
direction : 'y',
color : '#75FFA5',
opacity : 0.25,
playOnLoad: false,
scale : 0.7,
speed : 100,
delay : 3000
Using onLoopComplete event to change color and direction : |
HTML Code :
‹img id="demo4" src="demoAssets/img/demoBtn.png" alt="Demo"/›
JS Code :
var colorsArray = new Array('#75FF85','#FFED75',
var colorInd = 0;
var directionArray = new Array('x','y','z');
var directionInd = 0;
color: '#75FF85',
onLoopComplete: function()
if (colorInd == colorsArray.length) {colorInd = 0;}
if (directionInd == directionArray.length) {
directionInd = 0;
= colorsArray[colorInd];
= directionArray[directionInd];
opacity : 0.2